DayDreamer Story

I can honestly say that DayDreamer was born out of love and is my little joy baby.

Hey, I’m Gigi.

Making candles was my small hobby I ran alongside the floristry business which we own with my best friend Olimpia. Back in 2019 I started making candles for our flower studio. To my surprise, everybody loved my candles, - they were flying off the shelves and I could just about keep up with the demand.

I always knew that this was my little true love but never had any expectations and just simply enjoyed being creative. And so few years on, I can honestly say that DayDreamer was born out of love and is my little joy baby.

I absolutely enjoy decorating my candles with various crystals, dried flowers and using lovely fragrance oils to make them smell special. Each candle is made by hands and is never the same as the rest. I love to escape to the secret world of wonderful scents, beautiful crystals, creative flow and music. Light up the candle and enjoy my world too!

Love & Light,
Gigi x